Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: A Witch with Pretenses of "prosecutor?"


Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: A Witch with Pretenses of "prosecutor?"
Fecha de publicación: 
10 January 2017
Imagen principal: 

With her fragile crystal roof, the republican lawmaker from Miami aims now her weapons toward the Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa.  

And not by chance, we are talking about an outstanding progressive figure in Latin America.

What pretext did she make up this time? The alleged case of corruption of the Brazilian firm Odebrecht and its activities in Quito.

To finish her move, Ileana sent a letter to the U.S. general attorney, Loretta Lynch, where she demands to reveal the name of the Ecuadorian officials involved in the matter.

According to versions she makes her own, such officials received personal benefits granted by Odebrecht between years 2007 and 2016.

According to the same sources, the money paid rounds the 34 million dollars.

In exchange for what?, they highlight, of contracts that Ileana requests to clarify together with the name of its authors.

In her letter to general attorney Lynch she writes:  


I request to reveal the names of public officials involved in corruption next to executives from Odebrecht and other people.

According to Ros-Lehtinen, Ecuador doesn't offer juridical guarantees in identifying the culprits.

With such reasoning she demands that it’s Washington, and not Quito, the one to carry on this task.

Then Ileana with her usual grotesque language made this threat:

"If names are not revealed, as the Department of State established, they would violate human rights for political interference".

It’s curious the huge interest of Mrs. Lehtinen regarding what happened in Ecuador to Odebrecht.

It’s worth mentioning because she and her Washington allies, kept a tight silent regarding the huge scandal of the American company Exxon (former Texaco).

It took place in August 2013, at a time in which the later called Chevron caused in that South American nation a worse natural disaster than that of the British Petroleum and Exxon.

At a meeting of the College of Journalists from Chile with the Ecuadorian leader, Rafael Correa, the latter asserted that the damage to the Amazons was higher than in the Gulf of Mexico (2010 and Alaska 1989).  

He also denounced that the oil company has become a great defiler of judges so they attempt against the domestic sovereignty.    

Amid all this show, violent crimes executed by North American companies against the Ecuadorian environment.

Will Ileana say something about it? Very unlikely.

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