Spain left its imprint at GESEMAP 2024 International Congress

On the occasion of the closing of the 13th edition of the International Congress of Business Management and Public Administration (GESEMAP 2024), PhD. C. Xavier Pladevall Molina, CEO of Accion Preventiva in Barcelona, Spain, offered his vision of the event, in an exclusive interview for the Cuban News Agency.
For him, who has given lectures and courses in different universities and for different business projects in Cuba and the world, attending this event for the first time and seeing the acceptance that the topic of transformational leadership has had among the public is a unique experience and one more reason to remain in love with our country.
So far I had only worked with the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba and the University of Havana, however, the Ministry of Higher Education (MES by its Spanish acronym) requested the presence of this topic in the GESEMAP 2024 and this is of great pride for any professional linked to the business branch, he said.
It is important, he stressed, to know the difference between a boss and a leader, as well as the importance of exercising good leadership, which serves as a lever for change management in companies.
He also said that another specialty that attracts attention is the prevention of occupational risks, but not only to avoid accidents, but also work-related illnesses such as heart attacks, stress, depression, as well as many others caused, in most cases, by the lack of motivation of the personnel.
In the difficult times that this brother country is facing, the speaker expressed, it is necessary to bring topics such as these that foster interest in labor and offer new paths for a better stay at work, which sometimes constitutes our other home.
Columbia University (New York), University of Toronto, Università Ca' Foscari (Venice), Trinity College (Dublin), University of Havana (Cuba), among others, have witnessed the master classes of this enthusiastic educator.
All the topics are based on joint reflection and not on indoctrination, he clarified, they reach the hands of the interested parties and they select as they wish which is necessary for them and they are always taught in search of transformation.
He insisted on how important it is to manage leadership to effect change and take people out of their comfort zone and invite them to discover new paths that will make their work and personal lives more enjoyable.
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