President To Lam reaffirms close ties with Cuba

President To Lam reaffirms close ties with Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
24 June 2024
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Receiving the Cuban diplomat, Lam affirmed that Vietnam attaches great importance to strengthening the special traditional relationship with Cuba, noting the special cooperative relationship between the two countries has been constantly strengthened amidst complex world developments.

He said both sides have been overcoming many challenges, flexibly maintaining high-level political dialogues and cooperation mechanisms in all channels, promptly supporting each other in difficult times, and showing special affection, brotherly solidarity and mutual support.

Vietnam follows Cuba’s developments with keen interest and believes that, under the clear-sighted leadership of the Cuban Communist Party. Cuban people will continue to firmly defend the achievements of the revolution and reap new successes in all spheres on its socialist path, said the president.

To further enhance comprehensive cooperation, Lam proposed that the two sides maintain visit exchanges, and bring into full play cooperation mechanisms, by effectively deploying agricultural development cooperation programmes, and promoting bilateral economic - trade - investment relations, while further expanding into other fields where each side has strengths.

president to lam reaffirms close ties with cuba picture 2

President To Lam and Cuban Ambassador Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guillen exchange measures to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries during their meeting in Hanoi on June 24

Ambassador Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guillen for his part extended the Cuban leaders’ congratulations to To Lam on his election as President of Vietnam, and said Cuba highly values Vietnam’s rising position globally.

He informed his host on the recent situation in Cuba, and affirmed that despite economic difficulties due to the impact of the embargo imposed by the US and complex fluctuations in the world, the Party, Government and people of Cuba stay steadfast on the chosen path, trying to overcome all challenges and hardships and promote the achievements of the revolution.

The Ambassador thanked Vietnam for its assistance in agricultural development cooperation programmes, contributing to ensuring food security in Cuba, and said Cuba is ready to share and cooperate with Vietnam in the field of biotechnology – one of its strengths.

He respectfully conveyed the Cuban leaders’ invitation to the new President to visit Havana soon, in order to help spur special cooperation between the two countries to new heights.

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