Preparations for the National Internal Control Review underway

Preparations for the National Internal Control Review underway
Fecha de publicación: 
4 September 2023
Imagen principal: 

As part of the preparations for the 15th National Internal Control Audit, scheduled to take place from September 18 to October 30, during the first two weeks of this month the process of preparation and training of those who will carry out this exercise in a group of selected entities will take place throughout the country.

Gladys Bejerano Portela, Comptroller General of the Republic, told the Cuban News Agency that on this occasion -as a representative sample- only 200 control actions will be carried out to evaluate the strengthening of the Socialist State Enterprise, the administrative management and the efficient use of resources.

Bejerano Portela highlighted the participation of auditors, university students and experts, as well as the importance of the exercise, included among the Control Directives and Objectives for the year 2023 approved by the country's leadership, and which in addition to contributing to watch over legality will be characterized by its educational and preventive approach in the battle against crime and corruption.

XV CNCI will be held from Sept 18 to Oct 30, it will last 30 working days, the phases of planning, execution and information to the Board of Directors and workers will be executed, in selected entities @OLACEFS_official @occefs

For this reason, he insisted on the preparation not only of all those personnel but also of the administrations themselves, for which he suggested the study of guiding documents and their compatibility with the application of the so-called Self-Control Guide, which will allow them to evaluate the results and timely correct the deficiencies identified in this process.

In their visits to the selected centers, the participants will prioritize productive linkages with the actors of the economy, in fundamental activities such as food production, national industry, development of territories and exports, all linked to the goals of the Economy Plan for 2023.

The economic contracting processes, the status of accounts receivable and payable, the control and use of inventories, the compliance with the regulations approved for the control of fuel, and the situation with the means of state transportation will be complementary issues that will be taken into account during the XV National Internal Control Audit.

Since tobacco is an exportable item, the Superior Organization for Business Development (OSDE) Tabacuba, and its entities, will evaluate the compliance with the export plan and the assurance of supplies from the national industry.

In the Agro-Alimentary Industry Business Group, and centers of the canning and vegetable industry, the auditors will check the status of production plans, the contribution to the commercial circulation and linkages between the various forms of management.

In addition to checking these indicators, in the OSDE of Construction Materials, emphasis will be placed on the contribution to the housing program and prioritized investments.

Since the increase in cargo and passenger transportation is another of the goals of the Economy Plan for 2023, companies engaged in these activities (including local subordination) will be visited to evaluate management and alternatives to reactivate and improve services.

Regarding the increase of investments for the strategic sectors, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources was selected for follow-up and control.

Also, in the OSDE Grupo Empresarial de Aguas y Saneamiento and Grupo de Gestión Integrada de Aguas Terrestres and entities of its system, where the use of financing sources will be reviewed.

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