PAHO discusses the Americas' response to Covid-19
The Americas' response to the Covid-19 pandemic is the focus of the debate on Tuesday during the last day of the 58th Directing Council of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO).
During the meeting, virtually for the first time, health ministers and high-level delegates from PAHO's member nations analyze regional policies in order to establish priorities for collaboration among the territories.
Upon addressing the opening session on Monday, PAHO Director Carissa Etienne called on all countries in the region to fight together and in solidarity against the Covid-19 pandemic and adapt, innovate and redirect their work in public health.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), supported that statement and said that the only way to end the pandemic is 'through unity and global solidarity.'
Etienne also presented on Monday PAHO's 2020 annual report to the health authorities of the Americas, where the social, economic, and health impacts of the pandemic and its far-reaching effects to achieve the national, sub-regional, regional and global health goals are described.
Cuban Public Health Minister Jose Angel Portal spoke at the forum on Monday. He reiterated his country's commitment to strengthen international cooperation and solidarity in the face of the health crisis generated by SARS-CoV-2 globally.
Portal referred to Cuba's strategy to fight Covid-19 and highlighted the protocols for care and use of medicines of the country's biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, which allowed to achieve that 4,787 patients with the virus (87%) of 5,483 Covid-19 cases in Cuba since March 11 have been recovered.
During the first day of the 58th Directing Council of PAHO, which coincides with the 72nd session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, Colombia was elected to preside over the Directing Council until 2021.
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