Mexico condemns attack on Cuban Embassy in US

Mexico condemns attack on Cuban Embassy in US
Fecha de publicación: 
27 September 2023
Imagen principal: 

Expressions of condemnation of the terrorist attack perpetrated on the Cuban Embassy in Washington, the United States, continue to increase in Mexico on Tuesday.

The Popular Socialist Party, the Communist Movement, the Congress of Sovereignty and the Reflection Group of Latin America and the Caribbean, made up of representatives of eight countries in the region, issued communiqués condemning the unacceptable act and demanding the US Government to investigate it and punish those responsible.

They held the US Government responsible for these actions due to its aggressive policy against Cuba as demonstrated by the permanence of the economic, commercial and financial blockade for more than 60 years, and its obstinacy to keep Cuba on a spurious list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism, when the Cuban people are victims.

If proof of the latter were needed, this attack is more than enough, since it is an expression of the terrorism that rages against Cuba, due to the White House’s tolerance in sheltering and protecting those criminal groups based in its territory, under its own laws which they flagrantly violate and, even worse, are stimulated by its anti-Cuban policy, they pointed out.

They added that the launch of Molotov cocktails at the Cuban Embassy in Washington is not an isolated event, since in 2020 a similar act was perpetrated, when an individual opened fired with an assault rifle at the Cuban diplomatic mission and to this day, the aggressor has not been tried and the attack has not been classified as terrorism.

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