Diaz-Canel predicts a better week in the recovery of Pinar del Rio

Diaz-Canel predicts a better week in the recovery of Pinar del Rio
Fecha de publicación: 
11 October 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, October 11 (RHC)-- The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel said Tuesday that this could be a better week in the recovery of Pinar del Río.

On his Twitter account, the president informed that thanks to the progress in the work in the rest of the territories affected by Hurricane Ian, it will be possible to concentrate more forces and resources in the westernmost of the provinces.

The head of state added an article from the Presidency of the Republic on the meeting to check the actions being carried out in the places that suffered the impact of the tropical cyclone, with category three on the Saffir-Simpson scale, out of a maximum of five.

During the meeting, Diaz-Canel considered as a priority the search for solutions to the damages in the housing fund, as well as to advance in the solution of the electrical damages, and to exercise a more effective control over the prices of products.

In Pinar del Río, 89,071 houses have already been affected, of which, at the time of the meeting, only 48,966 had the necessary forms prepared to begin the acquisition of construction materials.

Likewise, it was reported that 38.5 percent of the electric service was reestablished in that province, an electric generator was installed in the municipality of La Palma, and that all the municipal capitals already have electric energy.

So far, linemen continue to arrive from other parts of the country to join the work on Pinar del Río soil.

Regarding the water supply, it was detailed that in the municipal capitals a certain stability in the supply has been achieved, but not in other popular councils, where the situation is complex.

Regarding Artemisa and La Habana, also hit by Ian, it was said that they are still in the recovery phase, associated with actions in housing, the sanitation of streets and the reestablishment of the electric service.

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