Díaz-Canel attends assembly of People’s Power in Santa Clara, Cuba

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel attends today in Santa Clara the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power that analyzes the productive and social programs developed in 2023 in this city in the center of the country.
The Cuban leader, in his capacity as Deputy to the National Assembly of People’s Power (Parliament) for this city where he was born 63 years ago, participates in the conclave, in his eighteenth term, held at the theater of the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University.
Precisely Díaz-Canel graduated as an electronic engineer in 1982, in this center of high studies and in 2021 he defended his doctoral thesis on government management system based on science and innovation for sustainable development.
The president of the People’s Power in Santa Clara, Osmany García, referred at the beginning of the assembly to the fulfillment of the agreements adopted in previous sessions and proceeded to the presentation and approval of the draft plan and budget for the year 2024.
On the other hand, Mayor Eduardo Andrés Román and Maria Cristina Molina, president of the Economic, Legality and Defense Committee, analyzed the results of the control of the electric company’s services where the so-called generator sets and photovoltaic panels contribute to an appreciable contribution to the National Electroenergetic System.
There is also an analysis of the results of the compliance with the food sovereignty law and the attention to the voters’ suggestions by the Municipal Administration Council.
It will also proceed to the approval of the guidelines of the permanent work commissions and the commitment program to advance the economy in 2024.
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