Cuba’s Nasalferon drug against Covid-19 is considered safe
The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) ratified that Nasalferon, a drug developed in Cuba against Covid-19, is safe and well tolerated.
The drug, which strengthens the immune system, and is administered nasally in a prophylactic scheme with a drop in each nostril twice a day for 10 days, can reduce the risk of severe symptoms in people with Covid-19,” the CIGB wrote on its Twitter account.
This preparation is an antiviral, immunomodulatory and prophylactic product, and it can be used against different acute respiratory diseases.
It is a formulation of recombinant human Alpha-2b-interferon for nasal administration, whose immunomodulatory and antiviral properties prevent the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, and strengthen the immune system, the text added.
Of proven safety, this drug had a leading role when the Delta strain of the coronavirus was found in Cuba and it was necessary to increase the population’s defensive response.
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