Cuban Yuleidi La O to participate at German marathon

Cuban Yuleidi La O to participate at German marathon
Fecha de publicación: 
19 June 2024
Imagen principal: 

Yuleidi La O Terrero, winner of Marabana 2023, the main marathon race in Cuba, traveled to Germany to participate next June 22 at the 7th edition of the Remmers-Hasetal-Marathon, hosted by the city of Loningen.

La O follows the invitation made to the champion of the last edition of that event held in Havana, Carlos Gattorno Correa, director of the National Commission of Marabana-Maracuba Races and Walks (CNCCMM by its Spanish acronym), told reporters.

He added that the Cuban runner will compete at the invitation of MD Projektmanagement, Marabana's sponsor, headed by Michael Diegman.

I will be in the half marathon. I know it's difficult, but I will work to be on the podium, said La O to the sports publication JIT shortly before leaving on Monday for the venue accompanied by Juan Carlos Mesa, deputy director of the CNCCMM.

In Martinique I came in second in a 15 km race, in Guadeloupe I was third, and in Barcelona I placed 94th out of 23,000 runners in a half marathon in which there were Kenyans, Ethiopians and Eritreans, and in the United States I participated in a 10 km race in Boulder, Colorado, and I won, he added.

A total of 2,546 runners are registered for this event which includes races of 5 km, 10 km, half marathon (21.1 km), the marathon (42.195 km), plus a relay competition in the marathon distance.

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