Cuban Vice Prime Minister’s visit to Russia concludes


Cuban Vice Prime Minister’s visit to Russia concludes
Fecha de publicación: 
22 March 2024
Imagen principal: 

Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas concluded today his working visit to Russia, where he held meetings aimed at following up on the prioritized sectors in bilateral economic relations.

The strategic nature of the Transportation sector and its relevance in bilateral ties was revealed in the meeting held with the deputy minister of that sector, Dmitri Zverev, with whom they exchanged information on collaboration in air, sea and rail transportation.

A visit to the Moscow headquarters of the International Investment Bank (BII) was also part of Cabrisas’ agenda, who recalled the history of relations with this multilateral financial institution of which Cuba is a member.

The pleasant exchange between the Cuban leader and several members of the BII management evolved around the reorganization of the activity of this bank and its prospects, in which the importance they attach to the Cuban presence in this institution was ratified.

When receiving the deputy prime minister at the Headquarters of Zarubezhneft, the General Director of this company, Serguey Kudriashov, pointed out the importance they attach to their projects in Cuba and in particular to the participation with Cupet in the international economic association contract risk for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbon “Boca de Jaruco”.

For her part, the Cuban vice minister of the sector, Tatiana Amarán, recognized the work of this Russian company, which constitutes a positive example in the field of oil activity in Cuba and a benchmark for foreign investment in this sector.

Later, the President of the Russian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Sergey Katyrin, received Cabrisas at the headquarters of that institution, where the Cuban leader highlighted the central role that companies are called to play in the materialization of the objectives set by both governments in their bilateral economic relationship.

A sector in which there is also intense joint work is Agriculture, as was confirmed in the meeting held by the Deputy Prime Minister with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Sergei Levin.

Cabrisas referred to the prioritized nature of food production and agricultural activity in the National Plan for Economic and Social Development of Cuba, in order to ensure the food and nutritional sovereignty of the country.

With these meetings, an extensive work program developed by the also head of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation was put to an end, on occasion of the celebration of the 21st Session of the Cuban-Russian Intergovernmental Commission for the Economic-Commercial and Scientific-Technical Collaboration.

This visit confirmed the excellent state of economic, commercial, financial and cooperation relations between Russia and Cuba, while allowing the continuation of the actions initiated in accordance with the new stage that both countries are experiencing in this area, as a result of the consensus achieved by its main leaders.

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