Cuban parliament holds a public hearing on Family Code

Havana, March 8 (RHC)-- This Tuesday took place the parliamentary public hearing Cuba Lives in Families on the draft law of the Code of Families, currently under widespread consultation throughout the country.
The meeting was convened by the Standing Committees on Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Youth and Children, and Equal Rights for Women.
Renowned academics, jurists, and deputies emphasized that the proposed norm recognizes and protects the different forms of families in a state of law and social justice.
When referring to parental responsibility and progressive autonomy, experts from various nations pointed out that these are figures that promote education based on positive forms of upbringing, stimulate the free development of personality, and the active participation of children and adolescents in a context of legality.
During the parliamentary public hearing, participants stated that the bill incorporates the most current debates on family law with profound humanism and is based on ethics and respect for differences.
In ten opinions of experts p[articipating in the hearing, the bill is a legitimate text that perfectly harmonizes social sciences and popular wisdom and corrects asymmetries in the current legal system.
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