Cuban deputies analyze actions to combat crime

Cuban deputies analyze actions to combat crime
Fecha de publicación: 
19 July 2023
Imagen principal: 

Deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba (ANPP) today evaluated illegalities and social indiscipline.

During the debates of the Constitutional and Legal Affairs Commission, held as a prelude to the first ordinary period of sessions of the ANPP in its 10th Legislature, the Attorney General of the Republic, Yamila Peña, stressed that the recently approved criminal laws provided her body with legal tools that allow it to confront criminal activity with new institutions and alternatives.

Peña explained that the Prosecutor’s Office is immersed in a permanent preparation process, during which it is working on the development of methodological work and on the design and implementation of action systems to continue perfecting criminal processes in the organ.

She added that the joint meeting between the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) was resumed at national level to evaluate the crime situation, the confrontation and the penal and penitentiary policy.

The official revealed that up to last June, prosecutors carried out 53,613 controls to criminal processes during their processing and 10,537 interviews were carried out to defendants to decide the precautionary measure of provisional imprisonment.

She emphasized that during this six-month period, the Attorney General’s Office made clarifications to the penal and penitentiary policy, aimed at acting with severity in the fight against crime, through the coordinated work with the specialized bodies of the MININT.

On the other hand, the president of the People’s Supreme Court, Ruben Remigio, emphasized that the Constitution of the Republic reinforced the regime of rights and guarantees of natural and legal persons, especially in criminal proceedings.

He commented that there is a notable increase in acts of corruption on the island and in view of this panorama, Instruction no.273 of 2022 was implemented, aimed at dealing with crimes associated with administrative corruption, against the national economy and drug trafficking.

It also covers theft, robbery and slaughter of livestock, speculative activities, tax evasion, currency trafficking, theft of goods and gender violence, family violence or violence against people in vulnerable situations.


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