Cuban ambassador’s work recognized at Unesco


Cuban ambassador’s work recognized at Unesco
Fecha de publicación: 
23 February 2024
Imagen principal: 

Cuba's ambassador to UNESCO, Yahima Esquivel, received today the Simon Bolivar medal, awarded by the Group of Latin American and Caribbean countries (Grulac) in the multilateral organization, in recognition of her work.

In the context of a Grulac-Unesco meeting at the organization’s headquarters in this capital, his colleagues highlighted the work carried out during the last four years at the head of the Permanent Mission of the island, a post from which she promoted regional unity and promoted education, science, culture and information as pillars of sustainable and inclusive development.

Venezuelan Ambassador Rodulfo Pérez presented Esquivel with the special distinction, named after the independence hero Bolívar (1783-1830), an emblematic figure of the struggles in South America for its emancipation from Spanish rule.

Cuban First Secretary Lluraldi Cabas, Esquivel’s husband, also received the Grulac Award for his work at UNESCO.

The ambassador of the Antillean nation thanked the Group for the tribute and the joint work in her period of management.

“Thank you for the cooperation and the opportunity to work together in building a common agenda in UNESCO favoring our peoples and governments. Long live the Latin American and Caribbean unity,” he stressed here.

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