Cuba marked 66th anniversary of the assault on the Presidential Palace


Cuba marked 66th anniversary of the assault on the Presidential Palace
Fecha de publicación: 
13 March 2023
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HAVANA, Cuba, Mar 13 (ACN) Cuba evokes today the 66th anniversary of the assault on the Presidential Palace, a transcendental action carried out by young Cubans to execute dictator Fulgencio Batista, which was accompanied by the takeover of the Radio Reloj radio station, in order to call for a popular insurrection.

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel, highlighted on Twitter that the dead of that day will always be an inspiration and example for the nation's youth.

The president of the National Assembly of People's Power, Esteban Lazo, pointed out that the events of that March 13 (although they did not achieve their goal) show profound heroism on behalf of the Revolutionary Directorate.

In a message released today by the legislature on Twitter, the leader noted that the example and legacy of Jose Antonio Echeverria and his comrades of that revolutionary organization remain in force in the continuity of Cuban youth.

Roberto Morales Ojeda, secretary of organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, described as audacious the actions that took place exactly 66 years ago.

On March 13, 1957, shortly before 3:30 in the afternoon, two cars and a truck with the Fast Delivery sign stopped in close in front of one of the posts of the then Presidential Palace, and their crews burst into the building with clean fire.

The young men, members of the armed wing of the University Student Federation (FEU), the Revolutionary Directory, had the purpose of executing the dictator Fulgencio Batista and handing over the garrison's weapons to the people, who were to be summoned by Radio Reloj radio station after its occupation by another group led by Jose Antonio Echeverria.

However, Batista managed to flee, and the assailants to the Palace did not receive the planned backup, which made it easier for the presidential regiment to dominate the situation and provoke the retreat of the assailants.

On Radio Reloj, Echeverria reported Batista's execution and denounced the excesses committed by the regime, before the station went off the air.
Minutes later, next to the walls of his beloved University of Havana, he confronted the assassins and was vilely assassinated.

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