From Cuba to China: Essences Dressed in Folk Art

These days, the National Folkloric Ensemble brings to China a sample of the essences that identify us as a nation. On this regard, we spoke with the young director of that famous group of Cuban culture.
Leiván García assessed that it’s "a very opportune experience for Cuban culture to continue to be known. Precisely, the Folkloric Ensemble, since its beginnings, was characterized by defending throughout the world what characterizes us, our national identity".
"In this case, the Ministry of Culture and the Council of the Performing Arts gave me the task of bringing theory and practice of all the work of the Folkloric Ensemble, but also of the Cuban nation. The Cuban Embassy in China, of course, is also involved with this event, which I believe will be favorable to foster national identity."
Regarding the ideas and messages that have been brought to the Asian giant, he highlighted: "How Cuban culture has evolved, how it’s reflected in these times, how traditions are evolving."
Master classes, lectures, theoretical workshops on dances, music, songs and dance, more closely linked to folklore and traditional popular culture are part of the actions scheduled until October 27.
Personally, Leiván considers "that it’s one of the most important steps in my career, since I have had to represent Cuba from a cultural point of view, it’s a commitment, from my position as a young man, to respect everything the Cuban nation has defended to this day."
Shortly before departing, he confessed: "I think that taking to China part of what characterizes us and identifies us as Cubans is going to be a challenge and at the same time it will be exciting to be able to enjoy a moment like this."
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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