CRITICAL ZONE: Bet on the Book Fair
The last phase of the Cuba Book Fair 2022 has begun in the eastern provinces of the country. Some have exalted the reach of the appointment if it’s compared to previous editions of some years ago.
Certainly, the Cuban publishing system, like almost all sectors of the country, has suffered the impact of the economic crisis, exacerbated by a pandemic that is not over yet. There are fewer resources, there are considerable obstacles for the organization of any cultural event right now.
And yet, the country has not given up on the Book Fair.
Many people complained about the prices of many books in the Havana edition. They were actually referring to foreign editorial proposal, who had to adapt to the new circumstances. But amid obvious inflation, the prices of most books published and sold in Cuba, the proposals of domestic publishers, have not experienced large increases. The average is still low. Taking into account current salaries, the Cuban book is really cheap.
Granted, there are unsatisfied demands among readers: authors and titles that would merit reissues, themes with insufficient presence in the shelves... and others associated with promotion schemes and marketing of what is published.
But the editorial system has not sat in its hands and holding on the Fair, after the obligatory recess, is an example, more than commercial logic (which is also important, of course) we should highlight the cultural logic.
There’s an important literary heritage that’s not completely used by your potential readers. That’s why a fair is held. The Fair must revitalize these schemes of access to literature. More than wallow in past glories, it would be convenient to creatively assume the new circumstances.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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