Covid-19 contagions and deaths remain flat in Africa
Covid-19 contagions and deaths remain flat in Africa
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Nairobi, Feb 23 (Prensa Latina) Neither contagions nor deaths in Africa due to Covid-19 has brought any surprises on Tuesday, because they remained similar to those from previous day, according to the report from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CPCE).
The official text indicates that contagions totaled 3,838,878 on Monday, 9,215 cases reported in a day that specialists observe with great attention due to the apprehensions of a mass spread of the pandemic in the continent.
The report added that 328 people died in the last 24 hours in all 55 African Union countries, totaling 101,675 since the pandemic broke out in the continent, where some countries began to receive batches of vaccines to fight the disease.
The immunization of the more than 1.3 billion inhabitants in Africa is a potential problem, because although there was a mass stock of the vaccine, the storage and infrastructure to implement it would be a colossal dilemma due to the scarcity and even lack of medical infrastructure.
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