Biden's Biggest Problem: Reaching Out to Sanders' Support Base

Biden, after winning the latest Democratic primaries on Tuesday, issued a statement to Sanders' young supporters.
Former Vice President Joe Biden outpaced candidate Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary on Tuesday as he tried to ingratiate himself with his rival's young supporters.
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Biden, after winning a majority of votes in Florida, Illinois, and Arizona on Tuesday, issued a statement from his home in Delaware to Sanders' supporters.
"The U.S. Senator from Vermont is passionate about issues such as affordable health care, income equality, climate change... And so am I," Biden noted, in an attempt to gain the sympathy of Sanders' young followers.
"We don't agree on methods, but the commitment to achieving those rights is common," he said.
This must be a moment in which people ask fundamental questions about the rationality of our current health care system, which exists to make corporations as much profit as possible, regardless of the consequences.
The former vice-president, 77, feels increasingly close to the general elections on November 3, but first, he wants to add young voters to his pool. They are the biggest of his challenges.
"I want the young voters who have been inspired by Senator Sanders and have supported him throughout his career to know that I am listening to them. I know what's at stake and I know what we have to do."
Voters between the ages of 18 and 44 are the largest demographic group that supported Sanders, 78, during this Tuesday's primary. Biden is trying to convince them to support him in a general election campaign against Trump.
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