Barbados demands at the UN the elimination of the US blockade of Cuba


Barbados demands at the UN the elimination of the US blockade of Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
23 September 2022
Imagen principal: 

United Nations, Sept 23 (RHC) Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley demanded before the United Nations "transparency about the elimination of the US blockade of the people of Cuba."

Speaking Thursday at the 77th Session of the General Assembly, the Minister of National Security, Finance, Economic Affairs, and Investment, recalled that "we have had 30 years of resolutions calling for the elimination of that measure."

I want to say to the people of the United States of America," Mottley stressed, "that peace and prosperity are for everyone on the continent, on both sides, and nothing justifies making people's lives more difficult because of ideological differences".

The governor called that "if there are differences in human rights, let us resolve them as we have done with many other countries in the world, without imposing sanctions. Justice and transparency require that we do so".

Mottley also urged to seek the necessary international unity to face "the triple crisis: climate, pandemic and economic", the latter "with dramatic inflations that generate consternation and anger in the world's populations".

The Barbadian Prime Minister also requested before the global organization the inclusion of African descendants in the G-7 and the G-20, "because what kind of world can have a subcommittee that excludes more than 1.4 billion citizens of the world"? (Source: PL)

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