Analyst raises international support for Cuba and breaking the blockade

Former Peruvian presidential advisor Alberto Adrianzén called this Friday for the international community to help Cuba in its current situation and, if necessary, break the U.S. blockade.
“I believe that the time has come for the progressive governments of the world, especially the Latin American countries, to help Cuba overcome this dramatic moment and if this requires breaking the blockade, it will have to be done,” declared the international consultant and analyst. political.
He pointed out that at this moment, which he described as the hardest that Cuba is experiencing, Washington has not been able to make a humanitarian gesture towards the Caribbean country.
"Although the United States has removed Cuba from the list of countries that do not fully cooperate in the fight against terrorism, this does not mean that it has changed its interventionist and 'punishment' policy against Cuba," he said of the island's permanence in the relationship of sponsors of terrorism
Adrianzén added the certainty that the United States, regardless of its president, is not going to modify its interventionist and aggressive policy that violates international law and that it has maintained for decades against the Cuban people.
“The main objective of the aggressive policy of the United States towards Cuba, in addition to punishing it, is to show that if a Latin American country wants to follow the independent and sovereign path, it will be punished as Cuba is now,” he said.
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