About Victims and Victimizers


About Victims and Victimizers
Fecha de publicación: 
19 August 2024
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This Saturday, August 10, Vietnam remembered the tens of thousands of people who were victims of Agent Orange and other herbicides launched by the United States to poison lands, kill civilians and create beings with obvious deformities, in addition to cancer cells that continue to add up to victims of an unreasonable war that could not be won.

The United States' aggression against Vietnam left four million dead, a figure similar to that caused by the attack by 14 allies against Korea, which it also failed to win, and to other larger ones caused by its unjustified atomic bombings against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 6 and 9, 1945 respectively, whose victims have just been remembered in Japan.

It should also not be forgotten that months earlier, in March, the United States used napalm for the first time, choosing Tokyo, a capital where most of the houses were made of plastic - an inflammable material - causing the death of 130,000 women, children and the elderly - the largest number in a single action - because the male population was on the combat fronts.

Members of the Group of Seven most developed Western countries in the world did not attend these events, because Israel had not been invited, due to the genocide it’s carrying out against the Palestinian people, in line with a statement by the Zionist Minister of Finance that he did not care if the population of Gaza died of hunger and thirst.

Precisely, the United Nations, which has not been able to stop the crime supported by the United States, announced that 205 of its humanitarian workers have already been killed by Israel and that there are almost 40,000 Palestinian victims, two thirds of them women and children, many of them hunted by snipers so that the former do not procreate and the latter do not grow up and think of revenge.


When the initial shock triggered by the still unexplained attacks of September 11, 2001 against the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon headquarters in Washington set in, many Americans wondered why they hated the United States so much.

In order to avoid having to tell the truth about the abusive nature of American imperialism, paid politicians and experts were quick to excrete a lie that the media helped to accept as truth: “For our freedom.”

This was very cynical when it served as a pretext for future aggressions against smaller nations, but which previously, in 1999, had its pretext in the so-called Kosovo War.

This is not surprising, given that a fundamental purpose of that unbridled 78-day bombing by the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was to set a precedent for more similar wars.

The pretext of “saving the Kosovars” from an imaginary “genocide” was as false as the “weapons of mass destruction” pretext for the war against Iraq.

Thus, the historic Serbian province of Kosovo was separated, turning it into a US satellite, a clear violation of International Law.

A clear mockery by US imperialism of the crucial provisions of the UN Charter which clearly stipulate that “all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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