Angelina Jolie to teach at the London School of Economics


Angelina Jolie to teach at the London School of Economics
Fecha de publicación: 
24 May 2016
Imagen principal: 

The course, the first of its kind, will be run by the Centre for Women, Peace and Security, which was launched by the Oscar-winning actress and Lord William Hague last year. The pair had previously joined forces to found the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative in 2012.

"It is vital that we broaden the discussion on how to advance women's rights and end impunity for crimes that disproportionately affect women, such as sexual violence in conflict," said Jolie, who will be a visiting professor.

"I am looking forward to teaching and to learning from the students, as well as to sharing my own experiences of working alongside governments and the UN."

Jolie's directorial debut, 2011's In the Land of Blood and Honey, is said to have sparked her activism in the area. The film is set against the backdrop of the 1992-95 Bosnian war, during which an estimated 20,000 women are believed to have been raped.

The LSE is yet to give exact details about her specific teaching duties on the Women, Peace and Security course or how often she will be on campus. However, it did say the programme included modules entitled "Women, Peace and Security", "Gender and Militarisation" and "Gender and Human Rights", reports the New York Times.

Angelina Jolie takes a break from film to teach London students

The work of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative has come under criticism for not doing enough outside a high-profile summit in 2014. Last year, The Guardian revealed that the money spent on hosting the meeting was "five times higher than the entire confirmed budget the UK has dedicated to tackling rape in war zones  in 2015".

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