Buena Vista Social Club to take up again the Adiós Tour in March


Buena Vista Social Club to take up again the Adiós Tour in March
Fecha de publicación: 
20 January 2016
Imagen principal: 

After this performance, the musical group will play in some of the most important festivals of the Asian region: the Java Jazz Festival, Indonesia on March 4, the Singapore International Jazz Festival on March 4, and on March 11 and 12 it will participate in the Hong Kong Arts Festival, as informs Suenacubano digital portal.

Between March and April, the mythical orchestra will offer concerts in cities of Japan, Turkey, Austria and the United Kingdom.

During the tour, the band will star a special performance on April 4 as guest artists to the Guitar Festival BCN, in Barcelona, Spain.

Since their creation in 1996 with the recording of the album that named the group, winner of a 1998 Grammy Award and the homonym film, nominated to the Oscar in 2000, the Buena Vista Social Club changed the perception existing of the Cuban traditional music at world level.

Along almost two decades of work they have played at the most important stages of the world and have recorded some 10 albums, some of which with important foreign artists, of which more than 5 million copies have been sold only in the United States.

Translation: Liana Fleitas (Cubarte)

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