Documentary on Arturo Montoto in Fine Arts Museum in late March


Documentary on Arturo Montoto in Fine Arts Museum in late March
Fecha de publicación: 
3 March 2015
Imagen principal: 

The documentary features interviews with Cuban artist, Flora Fong, researcher, essayist and critic, Rafael Acosta de Arriba, and University of Havana professor, art critic and essayist, Adelaida de Juan.

The 27 minute film is part of the project Luces y sombras (Lights and Shades) of Havana’s Historian Office aimed at dealing and telling the story of the life and work of a group of renowned Cuban visual artists who have been closely linked with the Historian Office and with its radio station Habana Radio.

It’s been directed by Magda Resik, the script written by Estrella Díaz, photographed by Jorge Laserna, Misael Vázquez and Eliecer Díaz, musically assisted by Alexis Rodríguez, coordinated by Yanely Hernández, and Ángel Quintero and Tomás Rivero were in charge of the original sound track

Edited by Damian Donestevez

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