24th Cuban Identity Festival Opens in Bayamo


24th Cuban Identity Festival Opens in Bayamo
Fecha de publicación: 
17 October 2018
Imagen principal: 

Bayamo, Cuba, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Historians and artists from the most diverse cultural expressions are participating in the 24th Cuban Identity Festival, which opened in Bayamo, the capital of eastern Granma province, on Wednesday, to celebrate the National Culture Day. As every year, the event takes place in Bayamo, and the program includes about 230 activities related to music, theater, dance, visual arts, cinema, literature and photography, among others.

Today's events include the presentation of the book The Little Prince, by the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery; several talks and keynote speeches; audiovisual presentations; as well as the opening of the 26th Theoretical Event on Cuban Nationality.

Cuban group Buena Fe will open the concert at the Anthem Square, or Plaza del Himno, in Bayamo.

The current edition of the Cuban Identity Festival is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the beginning of Cuba's wars of independence, a liberation feat that led in its first days to the creation of the Cuban National Anthem, which was composed and written by Perucho Figueredo.

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