The Int'l Cubadisco 2017 event and Folk Music

From May 13th to 21st, the twentieth event of the International Cubadisco 2017 Fair will be held and it will be dedicated to the traditional Trova (folk music) and the local Nueva Trova ( the New One, literally) and to the 150 years of the birth of musician Sindo Garay.
The 50 years of the first International Protest Song event, which was then convened by the local Casas de las Americas institution, will be also remember at the most important event of the Cuban discography.
The event will be carried out in some theaters of the capital city and will have the presence of artists from Puerto Rico, Colombia, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Switzerland, respectively.
The event's related program includes the traditional Symposium dedicated to the exchange about important themes for the current record industry and the general music, which will be carried out by specialists.
During the month of April, the Cubadiscos events have usually taken place in local provinces, along with the presence of essential presence of troubadours (folk music musicians).
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