Mexican Actor Gael Garcia Bernal Slams Trump's Border Wall at Oscars


Mexican Actor Gael Garcia Bernal Slams Trump's Border Wall at Oscars
Fecha de publicación: 
27 February 2017
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The Mexican star has blasted Trump in the past, and the Oscars were no exception.

Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal used his time on the Oscar’s stage Sunday to criticize President Donald Trump and his border wall plan as one of many celebrities to raise political themes during the Academy Awards ceremony.

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Presenting the Oscar for best animated film, Garcia Bernal slammed Trump’s promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Flesh and blood actors are migrant workers. We travel all over the world, we build families, we construct stories, we build life that cannot be divided,” he said.

“As a Mexican, as a Latin-American, as a migrant worker, as a human being, I’m against any form of wall that wants to separate us.”

Garcia Bernal, known for his performance in films including "The Motorcycle Diaries" and "Amores Perros" as well as the web television series "Mozart in the Jungle," has spoken out about Trump in the past.

After Trump’s Nov. 8 election, Garcia Bernal tweeted in Spanish, "Build your fucking wall. History will take care of the failed plan to make Mexico pay. And to open the holes that there will always be.”

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Weeks earlier, he told “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” that although Trump’s run for president was initially seen as a “joke” by Mexicans, his popularity eventually sparked “nervousness, fear and anger” — sentiments that have only increased since the reality TV star-turn-president took over the White House.

In another interview when Trump first launched his presidential campaign in 2015, Garcia Bernal told the Guardian that Trump characterization of Mexicans as “rapists and drug dealers” was “close-minded and fucking ignorant.”

“We started to give Donald Trump so much space, and we started to validate his opinion, as if it’s like, ‘You know, it’s a valid opinion.’ No, it’s not valid,” he continued. "It’s hate discourse, and what follows next is genocide or civil war. I mean, that’s how it begins.”

Garcia Bernal has starred in films depicting the plight of migrants on the perilous journey attempting to cross the U.S. border, including “Desierto” and “Who Is Dayani Cristal?” He also produced the 2009 film “Sin Nombre” about two desperate teens struggling to cross Mexico to reach the United States.

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