Gail Walker: Few countries embrace solidarity as Cuba

Gail Walker: Few countries embrace solidarity as Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
2 November 2019
Imagen principal: 

Gail Walker, executive director of the U.S. project *Pastores por la Paz*, confirmed today that the vast majority of the world will echo the defense of Cuba at the UN voting against the blockade.

Walker was grateful to be part of the panel *Desafios para una articulacion solidaria de nuestras luchas* (Challenges for a solidarity coordination of our struggles) as part of the Anti-Imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy, and against Neoliberalism in session at the Havana´s Convention Palace.

Likewise, she welcomed the idea of holding this meeting in Cuba as this nation embraces solidarity like no other.

The daughter of reverend Lucius Walker, founder of *Pastores por la Paz*, reviewed the developments of the Greatest of Antilles in the field of health and especially, the many tangible examples of solidarity in this field.

Cuba has sent its doctors to nations hit by natural disasters, conflicts, and epidemics, she stated, while highlighting the sending of Cuban doctors to countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua, and many other nations.

After hurricane Mitch and George, Cuban health care personnel traveled to the most affected areas, she noted.

*Barrio Adentro* Mission became a major social program in Venezuela with the solidarity aid of Cuba. Physicians of both countries joined forces to
provide medical assistance to badly affected population.

Gail Walker acknowledged the brave work of Cuban physicians when they went to Western Africa to fight the Ebola outbreak.

She also mentioned that nearly 200 students have graduated from the Latin American School of Medicine, Fidel Castro´s project, confirmed Walker.
The executive director of the project *Pastores por la Paz* illustrated with examples the actions carried out in every states of the U.S. in defense of Cuba in order to condemning the hostile policy of the White House.

Caravans, educational symposia, concerts, and discussion groups are some of the activities.

Finally, she addressed the Cuban people: you can count on us forever. We continue following Fidel Castro´s ideas to face imperialism. We keep on struggling!

CubaSi Translation Staff

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