Diaz-Canel Congratulates Jurists on Their Day

Cuban President, Miguel Diaz-Canel, congratulated on Friday Cuban jurists for their day, on June 8.
Huge, complex and necessary tasks await them, the President tweeted.
On the other side, Cuba´s Attorney General, Yamila Peña, recalled on Twitter that Cuba commemorates every June 8 the Day of Jurists because that day in 1865 the independence patriot Ignacio Agramonte discussed his diploma paper to get his degree on Law.
In turn, the President of the Supreme People's Court, Ruben Remigio, acknowledged Cuban lawyers´ selfless work or with which they decisively contribute to the strengthening of order, legality and legal security in the country.
The website of Cuba´s National Union of Jurists revealed that the organization created on June 8, 1977, currently gathers 16,000 jurists who work as university professors, lawyers, judges, among others.
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