Maduro met with Fidel Castro for 4 hours

Maduro met with Fidel Castro for 4 hours
Fecha de publicación: 
23 October 2014
Imagen principal: 

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said today that yesterday he met for four hours with Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Havana, to whom he found with “impressive” lucidity and energy.

“Yesterday I had, after the -extraordinary, very scientific and human- Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Americas (ALBA) on ébola- a four-hour conversation with Fidel Castro”, said Maduro during a meeting of the Federal Council of Government in Caracas.

The Venezuelan leader said he saw Castro with “an impressive lucidity, an energy that strikes, an impressive order of ideas and an outstanding wisdom.”

He narrated that with the Cuban president discussed the agrarian revolution and food revolution “that needs to do” Latin America.

“The most serious problem that Fidel finds on the future is the problem of food revolution and the satisfaction of food needs (…) and the great potentials of our country Venezuela, and our countries to be the ones to provide food of quality”, said Maduro.

Fidel Castro, who retired from power in 2006 due to a bowel disease, also received last August in Havana the visit of Maduro, who then said he found the Cuban leader with “energy” with “strength” and “clear thinking”.

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