Cuba is not alone

The audacity of the people of Cuba to defend a system of Government in humanism and social justice promotes increasingly admiration worldwide for his people and the resistance against the aggression of the United States.
Proof of this is the arrival on the island, 50 years of social activists from around the world to demonstrate its recognition to the Cubans in the preservation of the revolutionary project chosen 1st of January 1959, even with the economic pressures and policies of its neighbor to the North.
In July, members of the Jose Marti European brigade of solidarity with Cuba was called to promote and increase activism in favor of the island and Latin America International, as the siege of Washington has increased in modern times.
The young Italian journalist Niccola Matellini, one of the 90 members of the Organization, considered in statements to Prensa Latina that the realization of brigades like the José Martí help convey information about visited sites, in this case Cuba.
However, he insisted on the need for increasing activism and the dissemination of the work to strengthen support for the resistance of the Cuban people in the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for almost 60 years.
Edna Martínez, Colombian resident in Germany, said that with the invisibilization of truth, right aims to establish the idea that any attempt to change towards a less unequal society is doomed to failure.
Therefore, he said that show the experiences of Cuba, the revolution and socialism is a great way to expand the horizon of what is happening on the planet.
As usual, the activists from Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Russia, Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden and Belgium joined the social dynamics, marched through economic, social, and historical sites, They labored in agriculture and shared with the people in neighborhoods and communities.
Similar program had at the beginning of August the 25th Brigade Latin American and Caribbean solidarity with Cuba, whose members joined the celebrations of the people by the anniversary 92 of the birth of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, architect of the struggles by the defence of the sovereignty and independence of the country.
To receive them in the Julio Antonio Mella international camp, located in the town of Caimito, in the Western Province of ARTEMIS, the Vice President of the Cuban Institute of friendship with the peoples (ICAP), Jose Prieto Cintado, highlighted the support of those social fighters to fight the American siege of Cubans.
The leader of the ICAP argued that also support the claim of Cuba for the return of the territory illegally occupied the northern country with the naval base in the Eastern Province of Guantanamo.
Cintado highlighted the efforts of the brigades to disseminate the truth about the greater of the Antilles in their countries, where large transnational of the communication, in the service of the right, are trying to tarnish the project humanistic meaning the Cuban revolution.
Irina Bisceglia, Argentinean 31 years of age, the Cuban Government project is a conquest at the level of evolution of society, and worthy example of how a life can be achieved with the participation of a State which represents human rights and other important issues for the citizens.
Therefore, in his opinion, reaching Cuba is an opportunity to secure convictions and ideals, and return to their country now facing a complex political and economic crisis.
Chilean activist Leyla Cárdenas said here that the island represents the certainty that it is possible a world fair, equitable, sustainable and focused on the well-being of men, away from the selfishness that ponders the capitalism.
Cardenas, who belongs in Chile to the collective in solidarity with Cuba-Venezuela-Salvador Allende, highlighted the example that mean the social achievements of the largest of the Antilles, in the midst of an economic war.
Similarly, confirmed that it grows in Chile the admiration for the island for his unwavering struggle in achieving development and in defense of the majorities, so highlighted, many of his countrymen believe, dream and love Cuba, even not knowing it.
Meanwhile, the Dominican Pablo Castillo praised the courage, dignity and ethics of Cubans in Imaging and defense of a fairer society, and stated that those values are the standard that will enable them to reach their goal of the development of a prosperous country equitable and sustainable.
"Cubans, constantly besieged by American imperialism, reflect the courage and perseverance of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro and the heroes who fought for the independence of the nation," he said.
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