Polish community in Havana and Cubans honoured for merits in promoting Polish culture

Polish community in Havana and Cubans honoured for merits in promoting Polish culture
Fecha de publicación: 
6 June 2017
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“You are part of a huge capital that Poland has outside its borders. We would like to use this potential for the benefit of our country and for the sake of an even greater sense of community,” said Minister Witold Waszczykowski during his meeting with the Polish community in Cuba and Cubans honouring them for their merits in promoting Polish culture. The meeting took place in the residence of the Polish Ambassador in Havana.

On the first day of his visit, Minister Waszczykowski awarded Polish community activists with state decorations. “Bene Merito” honorary distinctions established by the chief of Polish diplomacy were also given to people in recognition of their activities to strengthen Poland’s standing in the international arena.

“We thank you for your activities in Cuba, for organizing Polish community meetings, promoting the Polish language among new generations and – last but not least – pastoral work,” emphasized the chief of Polish diplomacy.

Minister Waszczykowski conferred the Silver Cross of Merit upon Mrs Mirosława Maria Pawłowska Castro, and Bronze Crosses of Merit upon Urszula Dzierzbo, Jolanta Głodowska Guadalupe, Stanisława Salgado and the Reverend Paweł Bogdan Szulc. “Bene Merito” distinctions and diplomas were given to Luciano Castillo Rodríguez, Carlos Lázaro Díaz Alfonso, Helson Manuel Hernández González, Reinaldo José Montero Ramírez, Lourdes Sahili Moreda Gallardo, and Omar Valiño Cedré.

The ceremony brought together representatives of the Polish community, Cuban authorities and members of Cuban society who have contributed to the promotion of Polish culture. The Polish community in Cuba has a few hundred members.

Minister Witold Waszczykowski’s official visit to Cuba is the first by the chief of Polish diplomacy to this country in over thirty years.

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