In Gaza: Zionist Carnage Continues

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In Gaza: Zionist Carnage Continues
Fecha de publicación: 
30 December 2023

Already this Sunday, December 24 - Christmas Eve for some countries - Israel's destructive bombings had displaced from their homes 93% of the Palestinians confined in the narrow and motley Gaza Strip, which it intends to occupy militarily under the pretext of destroying the Hamas guerrilla organization for its surprise attack on October 7 on territory occupied by the Zionists.

There are more than 20,000 Palestinians murdered by the so-called Israel Defense Forces (IDF), almost 70% of them are children and women, not counting the bodies covered in rubble.

This, of course, increases the spirit of revenge among the population, whether or not they have ties to Hamas, which still resists, despite the force deployed against it by those who years ago encouraged its creation to confront it with the Palestinian National Authority. .

This is a practice of the United States and Israel intelligence, practiced in many countries, which we will comment some other time.

For the non-combatants and still alive Palestinians, many of whom are pushed into the Negev Desert, an environment beneficial to the idea of revenge against Israel blossoms. Although the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ends up controlling the entire region and is capable of definitively neutralizing Hamas.


On October 6, 2023, Israel was the most socially fractured nation on the planet, after almost a year of massive demonstrations against Netanyahu and his judicial coup. The roughness and determination of the mobilizations organized to overthrow his government had laid waste to more than half of the country and were practically led by former IDF, Mossad and Shabak officers, along with the main artificial intelligence and high-technology companies of the country, which constitute the backbone of the Israeli military-industrial complex and are the support of arms exports and the main sector of economy.

It seemed that Netanyahu's fall was a matter of days: his judicial “revolution” was stuck in the Supreme Court, his popularity was on the rocks, and the wave of protests did not seem to be lessening. On the eve of the last day of the Sukkot holiday, Israel paused protests as the Supreme Court was about to make public the results of its lengthy deliberations. Israelis expected the Court to deliver a decisive and crucial verdict on Netanyahu's nine months in power. The two sides leading to this social fracture were waiting with bated breath for a verdict that, manifestly, would not put an end to the protests regardless of its content.

In the confusing terms used by Israeli media and academics, this was a deep abyss between right and left; in reality, it was no such thing. There’s no socialist left in Israel and, in a deep sense, there never has been. The division is not between left and right, but between two groups fighting for power. The so-called Israeli left now feels abandoned by the international left, “because, it says, in its vagueness it seems incapable of realizing that Israel is the true victim, that the entire world is anti-Semitic, that no one protects the Jews from the next Holocaust, and that the international left is making impossible the brave fight against the occupation.”

Nor has this Israeli left been part, in any real sense, of any left and much less of this projected “international left”, which is reminiscent of the “international Judaism” of anti-Semitic crazed.


On neither side, no one, neither in the military nor in the civil leadership, seems to be concerned about an attack launched from Gaza, despite clear warnings about it from Egyptian security services. Israel was so concerned and bent on its own political core – and so certain of its impregnability – that all concerns were discarded, more confident than ever, after the series of attacks against Gaza in 2008-2009, 2012, and 2014.

Shortly before the October 7 attack, a large IDF unit was transferred from the Gaza Envelop area to the West Bank to protect certain religious, insane, and aggressive actions carried out by fascist settlers in the middle of subjugated and harassed Palestinian cities such as Huwarra, where pogroms carried out by Israeli settlers have become the standard.

Suddenly, overnight, Israel reoriented itself toward a war posture and the two opposing sides within Israeli society came together. They agreed to support the genocidal attack on Gaza, under the banner of “eliminating Hamas from the face of the Earth.” In reality, it’s ethnic cleansing and genocidal murder combined: the continuation of the Nakba lengthy prepared by the IDF.


More confident than ever, Israel enjoyed total impunity before October 7, having meanwhile become a more extreme state, especially during 2023, when the new Netanyahu government, encouraged by the Abraham Accords, provided greater coherence and maturity to the Zionist project, intensifying the plan to dispossess Palestinians of the 10% of Palestine that was still under their (partial) control in the West Bank. It seemed the right time to accelerate the process of removals without threat from hostile Arab policies, since Palestine was totally isolated and ignored. The Israeli government deployed the settlers as a whip against the Palestinians: terror, pogroms, detentions, expulsion of entire communities through violent means, uprooting of increasing figures.

At the same time, Netanyahu, spurred by the far right, saw a window of opportunity opening and used his power to totally change the nature of Israel's exclusively Jewish democracy by carrying out unprecedented judicial reforms. He now enjoys powers greater than any leader in the developed world, a dictator in all but name.

Strong opposition arose against him in response to the reforms, but that did not worry him: the legal environment had changed so much that he would be safe from facing corruption charges in court. It seemed like nothing could stop him from advancing. Netanyahu and his IDF generals believed that they were untouchable, that the Palestinians could not stand up to the combined might of the IDF, which is the largest army in the Near East, given its technological superiority and the course of nearly six decades of experience honing its position of advantage over a disorganized, poor and abandoned nation, also lacking an army and heavy weapons.

In short, the IDF showed itself on October 7 incapable of protecting Israelis from the Hamas attack: the so-called Jewish State proved to be the only one in which Jewish life is in mortal danger.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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