Florida: Even his Neighbors Are Against Trump


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Florida: Even his Neighbors Are Against Trump
Fecha de publicación: 
2 January 2021

An unprecedented case takes place in Florida. It’s the so-called “Winter White House” in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach. The residents of that luxurious mansion made it clear that they don’t want the presence of Donald or Melania Trump there.

It took place after he was widely defeated in the November 3rd elections, where he received tens of millions of popular votes against and 232 in the decisive Electoral College.

For Melania, the place became a spiritual retreat where she achieves privacy and tranquility unlike Washington or Manhattan.

Sometimes she traveled with her parents, so it’s a very familiar place. The Trumps did not have the slightest scruples in starting their remodeling and at the same time they reported it to the city government and also to the United States Secret Service.

The Washington Post revealed that Trump lost his legal right to live in Mar-a-Lago, due to an agreement signed in 1990 to convert that place into a private golf club.

However, the neighbors anticipated the obvious threat of the president and his family moving, because they want to avoid the embarrassing request to leave the premises.

Washington Post reports indicated that first lady Melania Trump was already looking at school options for her son Barron, in Florida, but the position of her neighbors could complicate matters.

The Trump family changed their official residence to Palm Beach, although they own another luxurious apartment in Manhattan, where they don’t intend to return.

The Washington Post adds that for years residents have expressed concern about various disruptions in the city due to Trump's frequent trips to the golf club.

Even for refusing to respect the rules established in that town.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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