EDITORIAL: Same Homeland, Same Revolution


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EDITORIAL: Same Homeland, Same Revolution
Fecha de publicación: 
24 February 2021

The Cuba’s Independence War resumed on February 24th, 1895, after the Rewarding Truce period, which started with the ignominious Pact of Zanjon. The verb “to resume” is very important here. That is to say, it was the same war, interrupted by different circumstances and taken up by the same libertarian spirit.

Historians, politicians, and the Cuban people in general have agreed upon this concept: there has been only one Revolution in Cuba.

The process, which started Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in 1868, was continued by José Martí in 1895. And this has been the same Revolution carried on by Julio Antonio Mella in the first half of the 20th century, and then, by the rebels under the leadership of Fidel Castro in 1959.

It is the same Revolution that most of Cubans are standing up for right now.

That is what people refer to when they talk about continuity.

It is not, as stated by those who oppose the current social system, a whim aimed at staying “in power.” The power emanates from the citizens. It is not the stubborn repetition of a script. Times change, of course and the Revolution understands and embraces those changes. Continuity is the reassertion of vital principles beyond the nuances of history (although we take them into account).

It is all about understanding creatively the thought and action of our heroes, entire generations of Cubans who faced injustice and tyranny; it is all about coordinate a project of society that care for and represent the people’s most authentic ambitions in a collective, plural, dialectical practice.

That is why we talk about “permanent revolution.” It is the essence of that famous concept of Fidel: “…is having a sense of the historic moment; it is changing everything that must be changed.”

Revolution is the expression, realization and defense of another universal concept: Homeland. Hence, the historical slogan of the Revolution “Homeland or Death” symbolizes the decision to defend at all costs the vital heritage of the nation.

It is not a rhetorical game: tens of thousands Cubans offered their lives in that endeavor.

And it is not contradictory with the idea of “Homeland and Life” —which Fidel Castro defended years ago, by the way— that some singers and “singers” have tried hard to impose.

The humanist nature of the Revolution is one of its pillars. It is quintessence of (José) Martí’s thought, which maintains and inspire the current project.

Cuba is facing a rough situation this February 24th. But we navigate through it fully convinced that we have strong moral reserves to succeed. There is a history behind that confirms fundamental values. There are ideas of unquestionable validity. There are heroic deeds to honor. There is a future to build.

We know it: it is not an easy task. There are obstacles to overcome. The enemy does not hide. The path is to strengthen the unity of those who choose to love and build, which are most of us.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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