Cuban Communications also boost our Economy
The new measures to be approved in the communication and new technology fields converge with those recently adopted by the government, which will be also introduced in other fields to face the looming world crisis triggered by Covid-19. The goal is, therefore, to boost both the Cuban economy and the nation’s prosperity.
This was one of the main subjects addressed by the Minister of Communication in Cuba, Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella as he took part in the most recent TV Program Mesa Redonda, where he highlighted the revolutionary approach of such socio-economic strategy, which goes hand in hand with innovation.
Both telecommunications and the informatization of society play a key role in the strategy, as they affect directly every key sector; namely, transportation, industry, food production, and tourism by invigorating the economy as they improve e-commerce, save time, resources, and enhance business efficiency, among other possibilities.
He pointed out that communications have been a developing sector within Cuba’s economy even though there are still many potentials to exploit. While defending its global importance, he highlighted that reports and researches confirm the positive impact of new technologies on the GDP growth.
That is the case of a research carried out by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) where it shows that in Latin America and the Caribbean, a 10% grow in the Internet penetration rate affects the GDP with a 1.7% growth.
Perdomo Di-Lella noted that the measures to be implemented are in line with the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development, the National Plan of Economic and Social Development until 2030 and the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution in 2016-2021.
Before giving further information, the Minister highlighted that these measures are based on knowledge, skills, and the creativity developed by the workforce of the Revolution, aimed at removing all obstacles and develop into economic profits, employment, and greater possibilities to achieve personal and collective wellbeing.
Boosting e-commerce
It is paramount to develop and foster e-commerce as it favors economic efficiency, improves the supply chain, accelerates payments and collection among companies, implies incentives for the commercialization of products and service and facilitates the linkage among sectors and forms of management, while making possible exports and augmenting sales in the domestic market, the Minister pointed out.
From Analog Television to Digital Television
Another area where there will be a tangible transformation is the transition from analog to digital television. This process will take place in correspondence with the industry, noted the Minister, who pointed out the importance of freeing the 700 Mhz band in the radio spectrum —used now by TV channels (from 52 to 69). Such frequencies may be used then by the wireless 4G broadband for mobile telephony and fixed wireless access.
“When the frequency is lower, the signal propagates farther. The coverage is greater and has certainly a truly positive impact on the economy. So far we are only using the 1800 Mhz band, but we are resolute to implement it faster,” he stressed.
Besides, the process may also save energy —used by analog transmitter— and may also represent fewer operational costs by reducing the number of transmitting stations.
Cybersecurity as sign of guarantee
At the end of his TV appearance, Perdomo Di-Lella talked about the general measures of his ministry: “we know there is a nationwide discussion on these subjects. We are going to keep on working and we are open to analyze measures and continue to propose.
“I believe that if we start implementing our ideas, we are going to get better and especially, incorporate economic players by creating new opportunities to contribute with the country and thus, people may use their skills to build their own life projects in correspondence with the nation’s development and the prosperity of our country.”
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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