Con Filo…Really Sharp!

Twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday and always before the soap opera, as its own hosts says, it appears on TV in Cubavision channel the program Con Filo, a successful television program with up-to-date issues and very well directed by the crew.
With direct language, of course, at times sarcastic when needed for some approaches, "Con Filo" includes in its agenda the events of the moment in its open fight against manipulations and the media war on social networks, in which the issue of Cuba win the main focus of attention.
For 15 minutes, its dynamism attracts viewers eager to see how in each broadcast - this Tuesday's was number 71st - its protagonists are able to wade - and wade well - in the analysis of events that justify the need for the communication to be prioritized on the political agenda.
The program’s objectives and bold comments have earned the serious attention of the enemies of the Island and have them in the crosshair with fictions and misrepresented statements without any support.
"We are the target - he refers to the entire country - of a merciless media bombing" has denounced more than once Michel Torres Corona, one of his usual voices, along with Gabriela Fernández Álvarez and Ana Álvarez Guerrero.
I’m interested in the program as a spectator and colleague for its materials, the well-directed sections, the diversity of sources, the inclusion of memes and contrasted content from the same social networks, whose lies are exposed with a diversity of information and testimonies not only from the nation but also from abroad, exposing both domestic and foreign sponsors under an ill-fated light.
This is how things happened, just to mention a few, as they exposed the lies about the trials of those involved in the events - not at all peaceful as the enemies claimed - of last July 11-12; and the subversive operations orchestrated from Miami with the labels Patria y Vida (they wanted to steal a symbol from us), and sosCuba.
Then, as always, they put the counterrevolution and its mentors in check, these mentors with rotten ideas and well a deep pocket for the soulless mercenaries.
What’s more, much more than an accurate journalistic program, because it calls things by their name. They recognize the (many) domestic difficulties: shortage of supplies, absence of medicines, the dilemma between long lines or paying excessive prices for food and basic needs; and a depressed transportation system; however, they always specify that this country belongs to us and that we are not giving up on the revolutionary process.
Its presenters acknowledge that we don’t live in a perfect society; but rather open to improvement, even in the midst of a tightened imperial blockade, which the U.S. unequivocally admits that the goal is to suffocate us; but just to make things more interesting as always, we will continue to oppose them.
Each night they appear, like the one on April 12th, Michel, Ana, and Gabriela sought, as their slogan indicates, to "tear the seam of media manipulation." Then there was transparency about animal abuse, regarding what happened in the rodeo of the XXlll version of the International Agroindustrial Food Fair Fiagrop 2022.
Fuel for those arsonists seeking to attack Cuba again, affirmed Michel, who also meant that "we not only criticize U.S. actions, but we are also self-critical with us."
With the funny message on the t-shirts he wears and the reunions on the last Friday of each month at Casa de la Amistad, with free entrance, “Con filo” has managed to open up beyond its own minutes on air to a definitely more broader horizon.
This joint proposal between Cubadebate, La Pupila Insomne and the ICRT is sharp as current times demand, hence its apt name, to which I might add really sharp. They well deserve it.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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