Obama's Last State of the Union Address Draws Lowest Viewership


Obama's Last State of the Union Address Draws Lowest Viewership
Fecha de publicación: 
14 January 2016
Imagen principal: 

An average of 31.3 million viewers tuned in to watch Obama's speech across 13 networks, less than the 31.7 million last year and much lower than the 52.7 million who watched him in January 2009.

However, Nielsen's data does not include those who followed the address on the Internet.

Obama's predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton also drew record low audiences during their last State of the Union addresses, although the figures surpassed those of Obama.

In his last State of the Union address, 37.5 million viewers watched Bush while 31.4 people tuned in to watch Clinton's final State of the Union address.

There were also 2.6 million tweets sent about Obama's speech.

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