Thanks, close friends! Pompeo hails European allies for pinning blame on Tehran for Saudi oil attacks


Thanks, close friends! Pompeo hails European allies for pinning blame on Tehran for Saudi oil attacks
Fecha de publicación: 
24 September 2019
Imagen principal: 

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo heaped praise on America’s “close friends” – the UK, France, and Germany – after they toed the line and blamed Iran for the attacks on Saudi oil facilities – without providing any hard evidence.

Pompeo took to Twitter to thank the US allies in Europe for “their clear articulation of Iran’s sole responsibility” for what he called “the act of war against Saudi Arabia,” after the UK, France, and Germany, albeit belatedly, followed Washington’s lead and pinned the September 14 attacks on Saudi oil facilities on Tehran.

Pompeo, however, did not present any evidence to back his accusations. The incident and the subsequent blame game have resulted in soaring tensions in the region, with Tehran denying it was behind the attacks that briefly cut state oil giant Saudi Aramco’s daily output in half.

Earlier on Monday, the leaders of the three European powerhouses issued a joint statement, saying that there is “no other plausible explanation” than Iran being behind the attacks.

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Riyadh also sided with Washington, claiming that the weapons allegedly used by the rebels originated from Iran, and arguing that this proves Tehran’s key role in the assault.

Washington has used the attacks as a pretext for a massive military build-up at Iran’s doorstep, sending an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer armed with surface-to-air and Tomahawk cruise missiles to Saudi Arabia’s shores, and vowing to speed up the delivery of weapons and to send more troops to the Gulf to fend off “Iranian aggression.”

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As tensions flared up, Tehran said it would fight back until “the full destruction of any aggressor,” promising to shoot down any drones violating the nation’s airspace.

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