Maduro Requests Extradition of Individual Involved in Coup Plot


Maduro Requests Extradition of Individual Involved in Coup Plot
Fecha de publicación: 
27 June 2019
Imagen principal: 

Caracas, Jun 27 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro asked his counterpart from the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, for the extradition of Eduardo Jose Baez, who was involved in the attempted coup denounced by authorities.

In a speech on the 16th anniversary of the Francisco de Miranda Front, the president made his request to the Dominican Government public in order to capture the former general for his participation in the plot organized by retired military and police officers to seize power.

'I take this opportunity to ask President Danilo Medina respectfully to capture him, according to international extradition treaties, and to deport him to Venezuela to be tried for the crimes of the fascist coup,' the head of State said.

For his part, Communication Minister Jorge Rodriguez revealed the conspiracy, whose details were known after a 14-month investigation by Venezuelan intelligence agencies.

The action, led by retired military officers paid to provide information, was aimed at assassinating President Maduro; his wife, Cilia Flores; National Constituent Assembly Speaker Diosdado Cabello, and other ministers and government officials.

They also planned to occupy the headquarters of the Central Bank of Venezuela and La Carlota military base, one of the most important in Caracas.

According to the investigation, Raul Baduel, who was tried by Venezuelan justice for misappropriation of public funds and attempting against the nation's integrity, would be taken to that military facility, where he would proclaim himself the Venezuelan president before international media.

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