Nicaragua Brands as Illegal Attempts to Apply OAS Democratic Charter


Nicaragua Brands as Illegal Attempts to Apply OAS Democratic Charter
Fecha de publicación: 
3 January 2019
Imagen principal: 

Managua, Jan 3 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua has accused OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro of illegally maneuvering to attempt to apply the organization''s Democratic Charter to this Central American nation.

In a letter to his Latin American and Caribbean peers, Nicaragua's Foreign Minister Denis Moncada has denounced Almagro's moves to promote the application of article 20 of the charter against a constitutional and legally-elected government 'are unprecedented, illegal, without legal basis and contravenes the very same Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Charter of the Organization of American States'.

Moncada recalls the Democratic Charter was conceived as a means of restoring democratically elected governments and a mechanism against coup d'état and the deposition by force of democratically elected leaders. And stressed this is not the case of Nicaragua.

In Nicaragua, the democratically elected legitimate authority is the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity, led by President Daniel Ortega, underlines the Foreign Minister.

It was elected in 2016, for the period 2017-2021, with the favorable vote of 72.44 percent of Nicaraguan voters, through free universal and internationally supervised voting, and enjoys the recognition of the international community, the letter adds.

The FM further emphasizes the Democratic Charter is respectful of the principles of non-intervention, sovereignty, self-determination and the prior consent of the affected government to activate it.

'These requirements are being illegally, maliciously and perversely ignored by Secretary General Luis Almagro against the people of Nicaragua and their democratic, legal and legitimate government,' Moncada insists.

The Nicaraguan Government asserts the OAS Secretary General 'is not authorized under the current circumstances of our country to request the immediate and urgent convening of the Permanent Council based on Article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.'

It also calls on OAS Member States 'not to allow or support these unfounded actions that affect peace, stability and friendly cooperation between our peoples and governments.'

Minister Moncada recalls that as of April 2018, opposition sectors, sponsored and financed from abroad, launched a series of acts of terrorism through assassinations, kidnappings, torture, damage and burning of public and private property, obstruction and destruction of roads and highways.

All with the purpose -he adds- of destroying the constitutional order of the country, causing a rupture of the democratic order to force a de-facto change of government, constituting this an attempted coup d'état that affected peace, security and the stability of the Nicaraguan people.

Such actions have been neutralized by the government of Nicaragua, that continues to function normally, Moncada assures.

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