Brazil's Electoral Court Asked to Declare Bolsonaro Ineligible


Brazil's Electoral Court Asked to Declare Bolsonaro Ineligible
Fecha de publicación: 
19 October 2018
Imagen principal: 

The coalition The People Again Happy, demanded today that the Electoral Superior Court declares the ineligibility, for eight years, of the ultra-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro for abuse of economic power and undue use of social networks.

In its demand, the legal advisory of the electoral alliance made up by the parties of Workers (PT), Communist of Brazil (PCdoB) and Republican of Social Order (PROS) denounced there are clear clues that businesspeople financed buying of mass shooting against the PT through the Whatsapp.

Such conduct reveals three types of electoral crimes: the vetoed donation (to campaigns) by juridical persons, the use of false profiles for electoral propaganda and irregular buying of users' registers, which shows a clear economic power abuse practice to imbalance elections.

The demand presented by the coalition The People Happy Again, whose presidential candidate is Fernando Haddad (PT), is not only against Bolsonaro, but also against his candidate for Vicepresident, general Milton Mourao, businessman Luciano Hang and at least another five enterprises, including Whatsapp Inc.

According to daily Brasil 247, a demand to cancel the candidacy of former army captain and representative of the Partido Social Liberal (PSL) was also published in the portal Public Petition Brazil supported by 190 thousand citizens.

The petition says to be base don article 22 of the Electoral Code, according to which votation (in this case in the first round of October 7) can be annuled when, if viced by lies, frauds, coaction or the use of medias or propaganda processes in vote recruitment banned by law.

The demand alludes to the specific case of the so-called 'kit gay', one of the false news presented live throujgh the national network by the candidate himself, attributing to Haddad, former minister of Education during the Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva administration, the publication of the book 'Sexual Appliance and Cia'.

That 'fake news', mainly spread among the religious to generate fear and worry referring to their children's education in schools, created a support current to Bolsonaro, guaranteeing him advantage on the rest of the candidates.

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