Blockade´s large claws reach Cuban baseball players
Politics and sports cannot go hand in hand. However, it usually happens that politics tarnish sports. Politics sometimes involve sports in hypocrisy, falsehood, manipulations, and double standards.
Alfredo Despaigne´s case is another example. Years have passed and we still hear people say Cuban players must play against the best players in the world, those belonging to the MLB. And some believe it does not take place due to Cuban authorities.
Myths aside, we now face a worst example. The ordinary and absurd blockade against Cuba, which reaches the ultimate consequences, damages such a courteous activity like sports.
Despaigne played very well with the Mexican club Campeche Pirates last season. It seemed he was playing outstandingly this year as well, despite having other lucrative proposals. But someone felt offended.
Somebody felt offended because the Granma native returned home with a few thousand dollars in his pocket; other teams are willing to pay more for his services. And he is now banned.
The Mexican League, as its counterparts in the Caribbean, has strong ties to the MLB. More than ties, they seem chains. This season, a “wise” man stated Despaigne must acquire the citizenship from other country different from Cuba so he could play in Mexico. In their despair, the Pirates made a Dominican fake passport for the Cuban slugger.
But it is not easy to “fool” an organization that behaves like the country it belongs to. Indeed, the MLB has strong resources to chase up any money transaction whose final destiny is Cuba. Few weeks later, the illegal move was discovered.
What's worse is that this case is the typical example. It is like the Guinea Pig to say: No More! And our players will have to play in European and Asian leagues. Cuban sport is once again victim of the blockade, having largest claws every day.
Sergio Paneque / Cubasi Translation Staff
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