The New York Times: Applause for its Editorial


The New York Times: Applause for its Editorial
Fecha de publicación: 
23 June 2015
Imagen principal: 

This Sunday that outstanding newspaper gave a hard punch to the blockade of North-Americans to travel to Cuba.  

It said that within the perspective of the current process of bilateral thaw the tourists arrival to Cuba grew a 36%.  

The article says the blockade must be lifted as part of the efforts aimed at normalizing the relationships between both countries.

Under the title "Lift the Cuban Travel Ban", it reminded that this affects their inhabitants who can do it to Syria, Iran or North Korea.

Making a compared assessment, the article highlighted the lack of meaning, as well as that it’s a mistake in an era of broadening engagement between the United States and Cuba.

The Times also mentioned an initiative presented to the Senate to stop the banning and work in harmony with President Obama’s posture.

The influential newspaper demonstrated how far they were allowed to get when formulating the following statement in its editorial.

"The freer flow of people, goods and ideas is far more likely to lead to meaningful reforms on the island."

Afterwards they admit: The trajectory is unmistakable. Public opinion polls show that a majority of Cubans on the island and Americans favor engagement.

Then the newspaper from New York sends a clear message impossible to hide, Congress should wait no longer to do its part.

And what is their part? It’s read on the title of the editorial without beating around the bush to lift the ban of traveling to Cuba.

It won't be like drinking Coca Cola, but the most significant thing is that The New York Times joins the side of realism, the very one that before claimed several times for a December 17th.

And it repeats now with the need of lifting the ban of travelling to Cuba of people – who from the North – consider themselves free.

Then, hallelujah for their editorial.  

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