Donald Trump: A Wolf with Clay Feet?


Donald Trump: A Wolf with Clay Feet?
Fecha de publicación: 
26 December 2017
Imagen principal: 

Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that the US pays no attention to the interests of rest of the globe.

He told so to the journalists of the Associated Press (AP) Jonathan Lemire and Hope Yen by reaffirming his new security strategy where he will always put “America first.”

Simultaneously, he harshly criticized his predecessors for failing to properly protect the country.

The President pointed out that “our leaders dedicated themselves to develop other countries rather than look after our own,” and confirmed that the US economy is doing fine and will get better — without proving it— under his administration.

Trump warned nations compete constantly, and thus, his policies reverse his predecessors’ especially on climate change.

He affirmed the US will be unilaterally defended even though international agreements signed with other countries can be damaged in the process, as it happened with climate change.

According to AP, if implemented, Trump’s strategy would dramatically alter US foreign affairs.

The plan would be backed up by four fundamental pillars: protection of the nation, promotion of national prosperity, achievement of peace underpinned by force and strengthening of the US influence in the world context.

According to his new doctrine, that nation will protect and defend its sovereignty from “enemies and friends as well.”

The AP tries to adjust such a statement by quoting some government spokespersons telling it does not mean “the US is on its own.”

So far, we can infer Donald Trump makes pretty clear that Washington will operate unilaterally in the fields of trade, migration, climate change, among others, even though it may be shocking for the rest of its allies.

In 2015, former President Barack Obama labeled global warming as “urgent and growing threat to our national security.”

Trump’s strategy does not mention this issue and he even requests the US to pull out of Paris Agreement.

The President also notes that the US “must control the biofuel development field” and “being leader in the defense of the environment must be recognized.”

Both Jonathan Lemire and Hope Yen warned that Donald Trump’s strategy may lead the US to a growing international isolation in the future.

The journalists make emphasis on the equivalence of the US economic security with its own national security, and highlight this country is only interested in developing relations with NATO countries.

Disdain is, in today’s world, impossible. Venezuela, Syria, and others prove me right.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / CubaSi Translation Staff




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