The life of our children is in our hands: No more violence!

The family should shelter, not punish. It should understand, not disregard. It should foster love, not indifference.
A shaking, then another. Mother was almost dragging him away, the boy was moving his legs by just coasting along, and screams were stunning him. I suffered that scene so much that my sense of guilt –for failing to get involved– lasted days.
Child violence is a phenomenon more visible in some societies than in others. But in the end, it is a reality that undermines the sensitivity and feelings not only of those who reject it, but know its consequences as well.
When a parent, guardian, teacher or adult “raises” their hand at a child; stuns him/her with scolding; imposes him/her harsh punishments; ignores him/her; violates his/her most fundamental rights or simply, does not take him/her into account; their behavior harms not only his/her human nature, but also his/her future personality and subsequent development.
Such behaviors are passed on from one generation to another. And although it’s true that being a father or mother is not learned in a specific place, because there should prevail human feelings, love –as the best antidote– wise and rational attitudes that allow understanding when and why we act aggressively against our children.
What rights does a teacher –should we can call him/her teacher– have when assuming these positions before a student? Why do some families think beating” is the right method to teach and correct behaviors? Why do some adults “enjoy” disrespect towards children, teenagers and young people, and express it by means of rude words and manners?
On the road toward an education stripped of prejudices and stereotypes, toward a fair and equitable society, it’s indispensable to consolidate respect for this sector of the population: children today, adults tomorrow.
Making violence visible is essential to fight its consequences, whose traces mainly last the entire life.
The family should shelter, not punish It should understand, not disregard. It should foster love, not indifference. At the same time, the school —space where pupils spend most of their time— is forced to instruct and to fulfill its educational task, where there is no room for phenomena like that.
School should be “nice and useful”, according to Martí. That presupposes love and that teachers teach, guide and love their disciples like their own children.
In this dark stretch of violence, the hardest hit are women and girls; they are always the most vulnerable ones, because of traditions, ancestral cultures and patriarchy which the world has been unable to detach itself. That’s why, we consider pretty relevant the campaign the United Nations is carrying out in their favor for several years.
In the era of the new information and communication technologies, the most amazing scientific discoveries, and the rise of biotechnology, nanotechnology and robotics –just to mention a few achievements– violence is still affecting homes and population cores negatively.
Nowadays, there are still abusive relationships of power, female genital mutilation, corporal punishment as a method of discipline; precocious marriage and even the so-called “honor crimes”.
No more cold for children, no more hunger, no more beatings, no more ignorance, no more oblivion. They are little, but big-hearted. And no one, absolutely no one! has the right to strain their childhood with tears, sorrows and pain.
Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / Cubasi Translation Staff
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