U.S.-Elections: A White Gorilla Named Trump

Pope Francis had there a recent crusade against frivolity in the use of money and in favor of the poor.
A few hours later, a journalist from EFE, Peter Foley, revealed in New York the existence of great fortunes in the hands of presidential candidates.
There isn’t best example than the strongest among republicans, the multimillionaire Donald Trump.
Famous Forbes magazine placed him in position 121 of the 400 richest men in the United States.
A few days ago he declared that, if Pope Francis kept his anti-capitalist speech, he would have to "give him fear."
He made the front row in the media after his vicious attack against the Mexican immigration that reaches American soil.
“I am running for president. I am worth a lot more of what you have calculated", he declared to Forbes.
And later he clarified, "I mean, I look better if I am worth 10 thousand millions than if I am worth 4 000 millions."
Last July he presented a financial report to the Electoral Federal Commission where he assured that his fortune ascended to "more than 10 000 million dollars."
It transcended that only in 2014 he had revenues calculated in 363 millions.
In June’s first fortnight, when he was 69 years old he proclaimed his electoral intention, and assured that his wealth was about 9 240 million dollars.
What about his debts? He remarked that, on the long run and low interest reach 503 millions.
When in 1982 Forbes magazine included him for the first time in its famous list of the most outstanding magnates in the United States, he had a fortune of 200 millions.
If the wealth of those 400 people were to be gathered it would reach two thousand 34 million millions of dollars, included the new 21 members of that very exclusive club.
They make generous "donations" more or less disguised that feed the two traditional parties and their candidates to the Congress and the presidency.
But Donald Trump is not the only one who decides; let’s just mention a few names to have a sample about where the true power resides in the United States:
The co-founder of Snapchat, Evan Spiegel, with 2 100 million dollars, the founder of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, with 3 300, and governor from Tennessee, Bill Haslam, with 2 100 millions.
His elder colleague is still the multimillionaire David Rockefeller who turned 100 years old and occupies position 211 in the Forbes list with a fortune assessed in 3 000 million dollars.
Pope Francis is absolutely right, supported by important speeches given at the UN General Assembly, when he harshly criticized wild capitalism.
No wonder he represents one of the links that constitute the new and hoping chance in this world so threatened, while the white gorilla Donald Trump symbolizes just the opposite.
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