New Group of Independent Opponents Support President Maduro’s Candidacy

New Group of Independent Opponents Support President Maduro’s Candidacy
Fecha de publicación: 
17 July 2024
Imagen principal: 

The objective of the meeting is to shape the National Front for Peace


The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro met this Monday afternoon with leaders of the independent opposition of the South American country, who showed him their support and invited the dialogue in advance of the elections on July 28.


The Far Right Seeks to Create Chaos in Venezuela: President Maduro

Maduro confirmed that on July 29 he will sign a decree to call for the great dialogue: Economic, cultural, social and political.

“I value this vote of confidence that you are giving me as leaders who come from the opposition very much (…) I tell you: Rest assured that I will not fail you, we will see each other on the paths of the future and what this country is going to do,” the Head of State said.

The text reads: Head of State @NicolasMaduro emphasized that deep Venezuela entered into a win-win dynamic, highlighting that it is his responsibility to lead a great crusade for truth, peace, understanding, dialogue, reconciliation and for more changes and transformations that Venezuela needs.

In this regard, the president valued the reflections and public statements of leaders, trained in the opposition, in favor of peace, coexistence and the search for consensual paths.

The opposition leaders present were:

  • Adrián Azuaje, Mayor of the Municipality “Obispos”, Barinas state.
  • Eduardo Negrette, Mayor of the Municipality “Samuel Darío Maldonado” (La Tendida), Táchira state.
  • Jesús Méndez, Mayor of the Municipality “Píritu”, Anzoátegui state.
  • Juan Carlos Zamora, Mayor of the Municipality “Tinaco”, Cojedes State.
  • Sulme Ávila, Mayor of the Municipality “Juan Germán Roscio”. (San Juan De Los Morros) Guárico state.
  • Luis Pinto, Mayor of the Municipality “El Socorro”, Guárico state.
  • Carlos Prosperi, political leader of the opposition.
  • Daniel Coronel, Head of the Carabobo Youth Campaign in the Regional Regions of 2017, Former Youth Coordinator of the MUD Carabobo and Militant of Popular Will and Vente Venezuela.

For his part, the youth leader of Carabobo, Daniel Coronel, took the opportunity to offer a message to “all young people outside the country” and remind them that the economic situation in Venezuela has improved considerably, and that it is now possible “give these young people a future”.

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