Havana to host fair of popular rhythms and dances


Havana to host fair of popular rhythms and dances
Fecha de publicación: 
20 March 2024
Imagen principal: 

The Son, Ritmos y Bailes Populares Fair, a commercial and dance event to be held in Havana from May 2 to 5, is being organized as a prelude to the world's largest Rueda de Casino (a popular dance).

In an interview with Prensa Latina, the cultural promoter and founder of the project “Retomando el son bailando casino”, Luis Llamo, explained that the initiative was conceived with a group of Cuban entrepreneurs, who traveled to Caracas, the Venezuelan capital, to promote and market the products of their micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Among these MSMEs was our project, “Retomando el son bailando casino,” with the purpose of continuing to promote Cuban music and popular dances in the brother country of South America, Llano added.

But we also reached important agreements with these companies and with their help we launched the second Son, Ritmos y Bailes Populares Cubanos Itinerant Fair, with its associated elements, in 10 locations in Venezuela, the musician pointed out.

The Venezuelan event is called “Feria Son, llaneros y punto.”

It is a macro and multifunctional event, and like the one already held in Caracas, the one to be held in Havana will consist of workshops, exhibitions, and federations from different parts of the world will visit us to exhibit their products, he said.

In addition, prominent figures who teach Cuban dances and give classes in different countries will be recognized, he added.

Llamo pointed out that this edition of the fair is sponsored by the Empresa de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales de Cuba (EGREM), the Fondo de Bienes Culturales, as well as ARTEX.

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